YVWA Endorses Justin Beaver for Yucaipa's 4th District

The Yucaipa Valley Wine Alliance is proud to endorse candidate Justin Beaver for Yucaipa’s 4th District.

Since the start of campaign season, Justin has been the only candidate to come out and publicly support the development of a wine industry in the Yucaipa Valley. Not only has he publicly supported the Alliance’s vision, but he has also shared our petition to protect Yucaipa’s North Bench from development. Justin has already taken actual ACTION to support the Alliance during this campaign.

We believe Justin will continue working diligently to protect our agricultural resources as an elected City Council Member, and support a sustainable wine industry through sensible policy crafted with honest intentions. We support his candidacy, and we urge you to support him in his bid for Yucaipa City Council.

-The Yucaipa Valley Wine Alliance Board